Fault Booking in BSNL broadband/Landline

BSNL subscribers can register their mobile number and email id at the time of request for service in the Customer Aquisition Form(CAF) applied to BSNL. This authorises BSNL to communicate with them and provide them a host of self care services on their registered mobile number or email address.

 In order to enable customers to keep their contact information updated without visiting the CSC, mobile number and / or email id registrations (including changes) are to be now to be offered via SMS. BSNL CDR System a new billing system would then carry all correspondence from / to these mobile and email only.

Process for Registration (Mobile and/or Email ID)

Steps for Registering Only Mobile Number
Send SMS to 53334 in the following format from the mobile number to be registered.
  REG<space><STD Code-Telephone No><space><Customer Id>  
 REG<space><STD Code-Telephone No><space><Billing Account Number>

Steps for Registering Only Email Id
Send SMS to 53334 in the following format from the registered mobile number.
   EMAIL<space><STD Code-Telephone No><space><Email Id>

Steps for Registering  Mobile Number and Email Id together
Send SMS to 53334 in the following format from the mobile number to be registered (Email ID is optional).
    REG<space><STD Code-Telephone No><space><Customer Id><space><Email Id>  
  REG<space><STD Code-Telephone No><space><Billing Account Number><space><Email Id>

 Landline and Broadband Fault Booking: BSNL Customers can currently book their Landline and Broadband faults by calling the CSC or by dialling into the IVR System.  This functionality is now being enabled via the SMS channel as part of this initiative. Incoming SMS shall be sent from the customers registered cell phone and shall specify the landline number (associated with the broadband in case of a broadband fault) on which fault is to be booked.  A response message is then sent back to the customer on the customers registered mobile with the docket number created.

Process for Landline and Broadband Fault Booking

Steps for booking a Landline Related Complaint
Send SMS to 53334 in the following format from the registered mobile number.
    FLT<space><STD Code-Telephone No>

Steps for Booking a Broadband Related complaint
 Send SMS to 53334 in the following format from the registered mobile number.
 BFT<space><STD Code-Telephone No>

 Bill Enquiry: 
Incoming SMS shall be sent from the customers registered cell phone and shall specify the landline number or the billing account number.  Message will then be processed as above and bill details will be sent back to
the registered mobile.
Process for Bill Enquiry
Steps for Checking the Outstanding Amount in the Latest Telephone Bill .Send SMS to 53334 in the following format from the mobile number to be registered

   BILL<space><STD Code-Telephone No>
    BILL<space><Billing Account Number>

BSNL allows to enjoy 1% Discount by making Online Payment of bill Through http://portal.bsnl.in

 HELP keyword: Customers can get the format of a keyword by sending HELP to the designated short code. On receiving the request, the CSMS gateway will send the help text configured for the keyword to the mobile number.
LIST keyword: Customers can get the list of enabled keywords in the CSMS gateway by sending LIST to the designated short code. On receiving the request, the CSMS gateway will send the list of enabled keywords to the mobile number.